The Spanish Clean Energy Forum organised by olivoENERGY took place in January. An exciting day that brought together more than one hundred leaders from the Spanish and European energy sector in Malaga and where we had the opportunity to discover the keys to boosting the energy transition in our country and in Europe.
We at olivoENERGY would like to thank everyone who attended and participated in this edition of FEL2050. Special mention and thanks to the speakers and panellists for their generosity and involvement in sharing their experience, knowledge and reflections.
We would especially like to highlight the commitment of our Sponsors: Edison Next, Palantir Technologies, Tecnoambiente and Ormazabal Velatia, whose support has made this meeting a reality, as well as the Malaga City Council and especially its Mayor, Francisco de la Torre and Rosa Sánchez, Deputy Mayor for the Promotion of the City for their collaboration and support in holding the Forum.
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