Málaga · Thursday, 29 May

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𝗙𝗘𝗟𝟮𝟬𝟱𝟬 reflects 𝗼𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗼𝗘𝗡𝗘𝗥𝗚𝗬 commitment to creating a greener and more promising future for Spain, positioning our country as a benchmark for sustainable progress by promoting transformative changes and unlocking the full potential of the energy transition.

Through 𝗙𝗘𝗟𝟮𝟬𝟱𝟬, we aim to foster innovation, drive collaboration, and strengthen the clean technology ecosystem, helping not only to address but also to anticipate the challenges of future regulations. 

Program FEL2050


Wednesday, 28th of May

Energy Mix&Mingle Welcome Cocktail

Thursday, 29th of May

Spanish Clean Energy Forum FEL2050

* Simultaneous translation service available 

9:00 - 9:30 Registration

9:30 - 10:00 Welcome&Opening

Alicia Carrasco · CEO olivoENERGY
Natalia Márquez · Directora Gerente · Agencia Andaluza de la Energía

10:00 - 10:30 Keynote Speech

10:30 - 11:30 PANEL I
EU Energy · The challenges we face ahead and the key areas to focus on. Are we ready to become competitive?

  • Nicolás González Casares · Member of the European Parliament
  • Alberto Toril  · Manager Europe · Breakthroug Energy
Moderator · Manuel Sánchez ·  Former Team Leader at the European Commission and Member of FleishmanHillard’s Brussels Advisory Board

11:30 - 12:15 Coffee Break

12:15 - 13:30 PANEL II
Sectoral Transformation · Connections, networks, storage, demand flexibility, and electric vehicles

  • Carmen Becerril · President of OMEL
  • Marina Serrano · President of aelēc
  • Emilio Rousaud · CEO and Founder Factor Energía
  • Inmaculada García · CEO FMIT Technologies 
Moderator ·  tbc

13:30 - 13:45 Inspirational Keynote

ENTRA and smartEn · A conversation

13:45 - 15:30 Networking Lunch

15:30 - 17:00 PANEL III
Industry in Spain - The potential and challenges for electrification and the opportunities for cleantech

  • Joaquín Coronado · Chairman Build to Zero
Moderator ·   tbc

17:00 - 17:30 Closing Keynote

Jorge Paradela

Counselor of Industry, Energy, and Mines

Wrap-up & Closing

Laura Luna Moreno ·  Energy Policy Manager olivoENERGY 
Martina Moreno · Policy and Regulation Analyst olivoENERGY 





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Book your ticket!

Early Bird 

Until 28th of February
250 euros + VAT


General Entry

400 euros + VAT

The venues

La Pérgola del Mediterráneo

Paseo de la Farola, 18
29016 Málaga

Paseo de Reding, 22-24
29016 Málaga

Alicia Carrasco


Our mission is to elevate Spain as the leader of sustainable progress, driving transformative change and unlocking the immense potential of the energy transition. Together, we are not just supporting businesses: we are building the foundation for a thriving, forward-thinking future.

Newsroom · FEL 2024

El Periódico de la Energía

El Español de Málaga


The challenges of the distribution grids and the potential for digitalisation and flexibility

Next Tuesday 25 June, within the framework of FEL Taks, it will take place the free webinar – The challenges of the distribution network and the potential for digitalisation and flexibility.

Organised by olivoENERGY, it will feature a panel of experts who will present and promote proposals for an ambitious deployment of flexibility and optimisation of its use by distributors.

The timing is particularly relevant as there are currently two open consultations by the CNMC and MITECO on remuneration and investment in networks in relation to distributor remuneration.

We hope that the webinar will be of interest to you and we would be pleased to welcome your attendance.

Charlamos con Emilio Rousaud, fundador y CEO de Factor Energía

En el marco del Foro Español de Energía Limpia FEL2050, Emilio nos traslada, en esta interesante entrevista, su visión sobre las barreras y que es preciso eliminar  y las medidas que son más necesarias para impulsar la transición energética y cuáles cree que son las herramientas fundamentales para conseguir los objetivos marcados por el PNIEC, entre otros temas de actualidad del sector. 


Keynote Speech

Josep María Salas
Consejero de la CNMC


Josep Maria Salas is engineer and holds a PhD from the UPC (focused on technical, regulatory, economic, and social aspects of energy transition).

He has developed his professional career in the private sector related to innovation in advanced energy systems, R&D, and market transfer in fields such as microgrids and renewables, digital meters and digitization, or demand flexibility.

He has been a board member of the CNMC since June 2020.



The new EU landscape · Digitalisation, innovation and markets


Niccolò Fattirolli 


Andres Pinto-Bello Gómez

Head of Reserch and Projects SmartEn

Manuel Sánchez

Former Team Leader European Commission and Member of FleishmanHillard’s Brussels Advisory Board

Federica Bruni

Policy Advisor GEODE

Emi Bertoli

Energy Policy Analyst  IEA


The future of DSOs in Spain · Impact of digitalisation, innovation and distributed flexibility


Guillermo Amann

Senior Advisor to President Ormazabal

Paloma Sevilla

General Director AELEC

María José García

Director of Electric Business


Ignacio Cuerva

CEO Cuerva

Laura Moreno

Head of the department of Operation Markets

Red Eléctrica

Pablo Albiach

Bid Manager


Keynote Inspirational

Joan Groizard
General Director IDAE

Joan Groizard is an engineer in Energy and Environment from the University of Cambridge and holds a Master’s degree in Corporate Social Responsibility Management. He has worked in the renewable energy sector in various countries and as a consultant in the field of low-carbon energy.

In September 2019 he was appointed as General Director of the IDAE. Among other responsibilities he has led the development of the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan in the field of energy transition and its negotiation with the European Commission and has been involved in the design and development of Spanish energy regulations as well as the preparation of the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC).


New players, assets and business models · Opportunities in the Spanish market


Joan Herrera

Partner at Samso and Director of Energy at El Prat (Citizen Energy Community)

Carmen Becerril

President  of OMEL


Cristina Corchero

CTO and Founder Bamboo Energy


Emilio Rousaud

CEO and Founder Factor Energía 

Iker Marino

Technology Director EDINOR

Franc Comino

CEO sonnen Ibérica


Closing Keynote

Daniel Pérez Rodriguez
Managing Director L'Energètica


Daniel Pérez is the Managing Director of L’Energètica, the public renewable energy company of the Generalitat. He holds a degree in Law and Political Science, with a Master’s degree in European Law from the College of Europe and has dedicated his entire professional career to the renewables sector.

He is also the author of the book ‘La Superpotencia Renovable (Arpa Editores, 2023).

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This was FEL2050


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